Monday, 24 May 2010

Mock Up done!

Finished up a quick mock up with both Tom's and Rach's stuff. Here it is:

Just a quick reminder and links to the team members:

Jay - Don't have a link...

Render for a Mock up whoo!

Well here we go some quick lighting and I'm pretty much sorted for setting up the Mock character select screen. So here we go with playing with the settings.

This one here tho is what I'm pretty sure I'll use for the mock up. just need to get Tom's UI and Rach's character design in there and we're good to go. Rach's work can be found at HERE While Tom's is found HERE.

Textures, textures.... and more textures.

Working on the stands now. Problem is there's alot of repeating that's a bit obvious, next time I'll know to get alot larger pictures for textures...

Tried breaking this up by adding more detail and interesting bits, it looks alot better now.

Also put a couple of Rach's concept art on the posters. Her work can be found at HERE

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Bump Mapping of confusion and doom...ness...

Learning how to try and set up some bump mapping for my textures. I kinda buggered this one up however...

But after tweaking some of the settings I managed to get something acceptable I think.

While waiting for some more textures from Tom I decided to keep buzy and try making the robot character I drew in Maya. I'm hoping to at least have it textured fully by the end and rigged. Perhaps bash out a quick run/walk cycle too...